HR Salary in Maryland

Maryland’s HR professionals are some of the highest paid in the nation, making the pursuit of a career here, whether as an entry-level assistant or specialist or as a senior-level executive or manager, a smart bet.

Maryland’s labor relations specialists and human resources specialists are among the highest earners in their respective professions in the nation, while human resources management professionals enjoy salaries that are well into the six digits. For example, compensation and benefits managers in Maryland earn a median salary of $137,330, which is an impressive $18,000 more than the national median salary for this profession.

Even the lowest paid professionals in human resources in Maryland boast median salaries that top the national median. For example, HR assistants earn a median salary of $44,380, which is about $4,000 more than the national median for this profession.

Human Resources Management Salaries in Maryland

Maryland’s large employers like Giant Food, Verizon Inc., and Northrop Grumman require the services of top human resources professionals to manage their complex and growing workforces. Many times, it is the HR pros with advanced levels of education and experience who are the most coveted by these companies. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that the top-paid HR pros in Maryland—compensation and benefits managers, human resources managers, and training and development managers—hold master’s degrees in human resources or a closely related field.

The following table provides a closer look at what HR management professionals in Maryland’s largest metro area of Baltimore earn at all levels:

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The human resources management professionals in the Baltimore metro area enjoy competitive salaries that fall slightly below the state average. For example, the annual median salary for compensation and benefits managers here is $132,220, which is about $5,000 less than the state median salary.

Hourly median wage
Compensation and Benefits Managers
Human Resources Managers
Training and Development Managers


Human Resources Specialist and Assistant Salaries in Maryland

Work as a human resources specialist or assistant in Maryland and, chances are, you’ll earn more than the state average. For example, training and development specialists here earn a median salary of $66,210, which is about $6,000 more than the national median salary.

The following table provides a closer look at what Maryland’s HR specialists and assistants in the state’s Baltimore metro area earn at all levels:


The highest earners among Baltimore’s HR specialists and assistants are labor relations specialists, who earn a median salary of $96,290 – nearly $33,000 more than the national median salary for this profession.

Hourly median wage
Human Resources Specialists
Labor Relations Specialists
Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
Training and Development Specialists
Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping


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Salary and employment data compiled by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics in May of 2018 for human resources managers, specialists, and assistants – The BLS salary data shown here represents median – 90th percentile salary ranges for the state and its MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) and includes workers at all levels of education and experience. This data does not represent starting salaries. 

 Job growth projections sourced from the Maryland Department of Labor and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2016-2026) database – Employment conditions in your area may vary.

All salary and job growth data accessed in September 2019.

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